Compiler switches

Syntax: mp source [switches]

-diag           diagnostic mode
-define:symbol  defines a symbol
-ipath:<x>      dadditional search path
-target:<x>     terget system: a8 (default), c64
-code:address   program launch address
-data:address   memory address of variables and arrays
-stack:address  address of stack (64 bytes)
-zpage:address  address of variables in the zero page (26 bytes)

The use of the -diag switch causes the generation of an additional file with information about all used variables, procedures, and functions.

The default extension of output file is *.A65, assembled using the Mad-Assembler, additionally the search path is set using -i:base, for example:

mads source.a65 -x -i:base

The -x switch Exclude unreferenced procedures allows for the generation of shortest output code for the 6502.

Exit codes

3 = bad parameters, compiling not started
2 = error occured
0 = no errors

Warning diagnostics do not affect the exit code.